Tuesday, August 4, 2009

A little late on the blogging band wagon

This blog is dedicated to Lyndsie Anderson and Lisa Harper who have been hassling me to get a blog for the past two years. So now that we have moved to Arizona and it has been the hottest summer on record here(several days over 118) I have decided that I have no more excuses about not having time:)!!

Chad moved to Avondale, Arizona the end of May to start a Doctorate of Physical Therapy program, which he had just been accepted the month prior. Jonah and I stayed behind to finish getting our house sold and tying up lose ends, we arrived in Arizona the beginning of July to the 118 weather. We have taken advantage of our swimming pool at the apartments and splash pads around the valley trying to keep cool.

We have made a few friends from Chad's program and from church and even a few random people that I have met at story time that we do things with every once in a while!

Chad turned 30 on July 31st. I was planning on doing a big surprise party for him while we were still living in Utah but we don't really know that many people down here so that didn't work out very well, so we just went out to dinner with a few friends. It was very exciting!!


  1. I found your blog! Cute pictures of Jonah! I can now keep track of you. Yeah!

  2. WHAT?? You moved?! :( Guess it's a little late for going to lunch...!

  3. Hooray for a blog by Lindsey! Jonah is so cute... can't wait to keep track of you through your blog (but we still have to call each other :)).

  4. No WAY! You did it! I feel so special that you dedicated your blog to me and Lisa. Now we just have to keep bugging Traci. By the way, tell Chad happy birthday for us. I love that picture of Jonah!
